Minggu, 03 November 2013

Vote for the best science blog post of 2009!

There is a lot of great science blogging going on out there. The people over at Three Quarks Daily are sponsoring a contest to select the best science blogs of 2009. Details of the contest can be found here.

Just reading the blog posts on this list (click here) will make you realize how much great science blogging is going on. I've found several new favorite blogs and writers!

Results of this public voting round (the top twenty most voted for posts) will be posted on the 3QD main page on June 8, 2009, so you have a few days to catch up on your blog surfing before picking the best of the best.

The ultimate winners of the contest, as decided by Steven Pinker, will be announced on June 21, 2009.

Yes, there are a few Simostronomy posts in the running. But you've read those already. Try some of the other offerings before making your choice. THEN vote for one of my blogs!

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